Friday, October 9, 2009

Listless campaign revives with Nik Aziz’s arrival

PORT DICKSON, Oct 9 — The listless PAS campaign for the Bagan Pinang by-election shifted into higher gear last night with the arrival of Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat to attract support, after days of playing catch-up with rival Barisan Nasional.

The PAS spiritual adviser addressed two DAP-organised rallies in the state constituency — both of which were well attended — as party supporters from neighbouring states began flocking this coastal town to campaign with fence-sitters.

The Umno bastion is proving hard to crack even for PAS as its vaunted grassroots network is not that established in Negri Sembilan, despite growing popularity among ex-servicemen who have settled in the town that houses a major army camp. Most analysts agree the lack of a strong PAS network here could lead to Pakatan Rakyat's first loss after a 100 per cent win record in seven by-elections in the peninsula since Election 2008. - + selanjutnya



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