Friday, October 23, 2009

All right to squander public funds?

OCT 23 — It has been said that public servants have what we call "iron rice bowls". Probably because of their well-protected environment, government officials are beginning to get more and more indifferent to public woes as well as insensitive to price fluctuations.

This is best proven from the Auditor-General's reports year after year.

The 2006 A-G's report pointed out that when the Youth and Sports Ministry was procuring equipment for the national youth technical institutes, it paid RM5,471 for a car jack worth nothing more than RM50, and RM224 for a set of screwdrivers worth RM32.

In the 2008 report, when the Human Resources Ministry was procuring equipment for technical training centres, it paid RM30,510 for a stud platform device worth only RM990, a mark-up of 2,981.8 per cent!

All these stunning facts are but just the tip of the iceberg in the A-G's report. If the officials involved have not been corrupt or abused their power, then they must have not done their homework well, misused public funds and squandered taxpayers' money.- + selanjutnya


Unknown October 23, 2009 at 11:55 AM  

Salam Wak.

Kalau di Jabatan yang disebutkan itu saya pun banyak tahu. Dulu saya banyak menolong jabatan ini dan berurusan dengan mereka.

Terlalu banyak dari bawah sehingga ke atas. Hanya sebahagian kecil saja di antara mereka yang jujur dan ikhlas dalam menjalankan tugas.

wartamaya October 23, 2009 at 11:58 AM  

Salam Tuan Mountdweller,

Kalau gitu lah bagai dikata, memang negara kita dah rosak teruk nampaknya.

Di tempat lain, kalau nak didedahkan semuanya tak cukup kertas.

Anonymous,  October 23, 2009 at 1:04 PM  

bocor bang bocor..dah le tu birokrasi berlapis2..kalu satu lapis bocor 10%, 10 lapis dah 100% overblown.. jadila kos 10,000 bertukar jadi 100,000.

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