Monday, June 15, 2009

Anwar not sincere in wanting to help Indians

KLANG: A former PKR top leader is accusing Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim of not being sincere in wanting to help grassroots Indians.

PKR former deputy secretary-general P. Jenapala said the party’s grassroots Indian leaders had requested a meeting with the PKR de-facto leader several times to air their grouses but had always been brushed aside.

“They were denied the opportunity to express their grouses directly to Anwar and this has created a doubt in us if Anwar and PKR can truly represent the grassroots Indians,” he said. - Star

Wakakak .. bodoh la mamat ni. Anwar sendiri pun tak boleh nak tolong diri sendiri, nak suruh dia tolong kaum India plak ..
Tu ramai orang reformis tengah lapar pun tak ada siapa yang ambil tahu tau .. Wakakak !!!


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