Sunday, July 10, 2011

Bersih2: Twitter penyampai maklumat

Kehebatan twitter di dalam perhimpunan BERSIH 2.0 telah banyak membantu menyebarkan maklumat kepada demonstran dan rakyat diluar untuk mengetahui perkembangan peristiwa bersejarah. Keaktifan pengguna sejak seminggu sebelum perhimpunan sehinggalah ke semalam.

Berikut adalah kenyataan dari akhbar Arab tentang Twitter.
When the news media sites were rather slow and guarded in their reportage, Twitter became almost the sole source of information to monitor the progress of the rally. It was the first to report firing of the tear gas canisters, the use of water canons and injuries to people. As I wrote this page, almost two hours after the rally dispersed,

Bersih was generating almost 50 Tweets per minute, detailing individual experiences and pledging support to the initiative by the opposition. A few did rue the inconvenience the rally caused them. - arabiya.net


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