Saturday, September 26, 2009

The problem of Hasan Ali

PETALING JAYA, 25 Sept 2009: Will the PAS leadership take action against the party's Selangor commissioner Datuk Dr Hasan Ali for undermining Pakatan Rakyat (PR)?

Senior party leaders are unhappy with Hasan and Selangor PAS secretary Mohd Khairuddin Othman who backed his boss, Hasan, by saying that the party was ready to pull out of PR in Selangor if all its elected representatives agreed.

"The secretary had no right to say that. PAS has rules about such decisions and we are committed to staying in Pakatan. Even as the state commissioner, Hasan has no right to decide to pull out on his own," party vice-president Salahuddin Ayub told The Nut Graph today. - + selanjutnya



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