Ex-cop claims A-G deceived Cabinet over black-eye evidence probe
KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 22 — Datuk Mat Zain Ibrahim, the policeman who investigated Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s black-eye assault in 1998, claimed today an independent panel which cleared Attorney-General Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail and former Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Musa Hassan of fabricating evidence in the incident was unconstitutional.
In a statement today, Mat Zain accused the country’s top lawyer of deceiving the Cabinet over the independent panel.
In July 2008, Anwar had filed a police report accusing Abdul Gani, Mat Zain, Musa (then a senior investigation officer in 1998) and Dr Abdul Rahman Yusof of falsifying a medical report on his “black-eye” case.[ lagi ]
Baca surat Mat Zin Ibrahim di dalam bahasa Malaysia (DI SINI)
Gani Patail tidak takut pada Penciptanya. Bertaubatlah Gani sebelum terlambat. Minta maaf kpd Anwar terlebih dahulu. Ingat ...Allah ada caraNya sendiri untuk menghukum si pembuat fitnah !
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