Friday, October 9, 2009

BN buy votes on eve of Bagan Pinang poll?

Press report (Malaysiakini.com) has it that DPM Muhyiddin announced that he will give away RM480 000.00 to 3 Chinese schools in Bagan Pinang at a Lantern Festival attended by MCA leaders. He made it clear his intention: `I give you money -you give me your vote-OK?’ He said he will announce more allocations to other schools and temples around the constituency the next day. At the same lantern festival 223 seniors of over 60 years old were given `angpow’ of RM100.00 each. - + selanjutnya


Anonymous,  October 9, 2009 at 10:03 PM  

mereka akan membeli apa saja yang boleh dibeli, tapi rakyat sekarang dah bijak

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